Madison Elementary will be hosting Family Math Night on November 4th from 6-7:30.  There will be several games, take home projects, ipad games, and other math activities.  Math Night will be set up in the gym and Kindergarten hallway.  Please come and join us!

Riley, Chloe and Zachary color their maps during social studies.

Well, we've made it through our first 2 days of fifth grade... what do you think?!  What's been your favorite part?  What are you most looking forward to this year now that we've had a chance to talk about things?

I absolutely love how quiet and well behaved this class has been!  It makes me SUPER excited about all of the things we can try and do this year.  Keep up the great work fifth graders! 

Remember to bring your emergency

I added the finishing touches today to our classroom! I think I'm all ready for Tuesday's open house!! Can't wait to meet you all.

View from the door
Computer area/reading board
Reading area
40 book challenge- are you ready??
You can download a copy of the 3rd-5th grade supply list here.  You can bring these supplies with you to Open House (date still to be determined) or you can bring them the first week of school.  The earlier your student has these supplies, the better!  We'll be setting up our "HOME" binders the first 2 days of school.  If you need assistance getting these supplies, please let me know immediately.